Alumni in the world

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We have all been part of AIESEC in the past. This is what connects us, this is what many of us still have very fond memories about. Some of us have been impacted more by our experiences within the organization, some of us less … some of us remember just a few particular moments, and others got married to a fellow AIESECer. Our stories are as diverse as our global AIESEC network of friends.
Even the AIESEC Alumni Switzerland organization reflects this diversity. After our time at University, there was indeed a life after AIESEC to be discovered, lots of personal and professional development steps to be made and everybody has gone their own way.
With this new section, we would like make the AIESEC Alumni Switzerland community a bit more tangible for you, dear reader, and we’d like to add a bit of personality to it. Going forward, it is going to feature one or two alumni sharing their perspective in a short, interview-style article. We are really looking forward to discovering many stories and potential that’s to be found within our AIESEC in Switzerland alumni community.
In the meantime, here’s a picture of the board of AAS, during our last board meeting.


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