Posts in AIESEC Alumni Switzerland

Past Events: Regional Group SG/ZH event

AIESEC Alumni at The Hub Event On 12th May about thirty Alumni and current members of AIESEC[…]

From the AAS Board: AAS & AiS In transition

One of the aims of AIESEC Alumni Switzerland is to support the active AIESECers. The board was[…]

Past Events: Regional Group GE event

In the long-term project of reconnecting with the alumni of Geneva and of Suisse Romande, we organized[…]

Upcoming events: DO-IT conference young alumni and alumni track

Later this year we would like to invite you to the annual national conference of AIESEC in[…]

founding AIESEC Alumni Switzerland

Dear Alumni It is our great pleasure to announce that we are about to found AIESEC Alumni[…]